Friday, April 27, 2012

luhring augustine gallery around the corner

thread took a field trip this afternoon to the Luhring Augustine Gallery, which recently opened up three blocks away from our office. A blue-chip Chelsea gallery, is now open at 25 Knickerbocker Ave at the corner of Ingraham. It's pretty amazing to know that on our back to the office we can stop by a pretty cool gallery and get inspired.  The Bushwick building allows the gallery to house large-scale installations and long-term projects. Until June, Charles Atlas' The Illusion of Democracy is on show.  A series of video installations that show number sequences in a cinematic way, creating space and movement.  It was beautiful.  Below are a few images.  The gallery is open Friday 10am - 6pm and Saturday/Sunday 12-6pm.

painting by numbers, 2008

painting by numbers, 2008

plato's alley, 2009


Next Stop, Bushwick Really!

So if it's in the NY Times, its true right?

Last month the NY Times published an article, Next Stop Bushwick, (March 7th, 2012 by Jed Lipinski) on the Bushwick art scene, summed up by this quote : “I feel as if a new gallery pops up every week, either in someone’s basement or inside the new arts center at 56 Bogart,” said Carolina A. Miranda, an arts writer for ArtNews and WNYC who has lived in the neighborhood for seven years. “Bushwick is really at the point where it’s not just some loose arts scene but is transforming into a full-fledged arts district.”

thread collective has been in Bushwick for the past 5 years (wow), and while we thought we were moving to the outer fringes, when we arrived there was clearly a healthy core of artists escaping along the L-line. We are pleasantly surprised to see the art scene thriving and growing throughout the neighborhood. While there are several newer galleries opening up like the blue-chip Luring Augustine Gallery that is now around the corner from our office on Knickerbocker, (see next post) there remains an edgier core that are popping up all over. 56 Bogart is a stop where you can visit nine budding galleries showcasing local artists doing interesting work. Below are a few links to these. Next time you are visiting thread, take a moment and pop in and check out these spots. Below is a map of the locations, via the NY Times.

Interstate Projects
Agape Enterprise
Botanic Gallery
Sardine Gallery and Goods

Sunday, April 22, 2012

front facade uncloaked

On Friday, the scaffolding and netting came down, revealing for the first time the full finished facade.  Previous posts detail the salvaged Ipe wood that is framed by the steel.  On the left hand side, framing the balconies is a cementitious panel, Viroc.